Democracy has created the hell / lots of problems in connection to the way(s) its System is designed, its governing model(s), the process(es) of elections and selection(s) using democratic parties whether it is Monopolistic Party ( Communism- Socialism) or multiple parties in Democracy and Democratic Capitalism and in relations to its own corruption(s) .. !
The whole world was and still seem to be entrapped to the influential ideas of democracy, its system(s), its parties and in relation to corruption; in summery the persistent problems that deteriorate the world of politics in both the developed and the underdeveloped countries / worlds reflecting the fact that democracy - as an unethical abusive monopoly - has brought to our world the following problems and troubles; which Surecracy may mention in brief:
1. Secularism of democracy that lacks collaterally an efficient and justified system of ethos and mostly stay in denial of the value of fundamental positive aspects of Monotheism in collateral human life including politics, economy; social life and justice a normal; balanced and needed moderate way(s) of human life.
2. Different forms of democratic corruption in governing people including (1):
2.1 Bribery
a payment given personally to a government official in exchange of his use of official powers
2.2 Trading in influence
refers to the situation where a person is selling his/her influence over the decision process involving a third party (person or institution). The difference with bribery is that this is a tri-lateral relation
2.3 Patronage
favoring supporters to the winning party, for example with government employment. This may be looking legitimate upon taking over government office, as when a newly elected democratic government changes the top officials in the administration in order to effectively implement its own policy. but this can be seen as a repeated form of corruption if this means that incompetent persons are put into power against people's best interests, it often happens within corrupted democrats as a payment - for supporting the new regime - are selected before the more able ones and/or experts.
2.4 Nepotism and cronyism
Favoring relatives (nepotism) or personal friends (cronyism) of an official is a form of illegitimate private gain. This may be combined with bribery in so many ways.
2.5 Electoral fraud
illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both. Also called voter fraud, the mechanisms involved include illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls, and improper vote counting.
2.6 Embezzlement
Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted funds. It is a misappropriation of property
2.7 Kickbacks
an official's share of misappropriated funds allocated from his or her organization to an organization involved in corrupt bidding. For example, suppose that a politician is in charge of choosing how to spend some public funds. He can give a contract to a company that is not the best bidder, or allocate more than they deserve.
2.8 An unholy alliance
is a coalition among seemingly antagonistic groups, especially if one is religious,[10] for ad hoc or hidden gain. Like patronage, unholy alliances are not necessarily illegal, but unlike patronage, by its deceptive nature and often great financial resources, an unholy alliance can be much more dangerous to the public interest(s).
2.9 Involvement in organized crime and/or Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) involvement of officials in various forms of organized crime with Mafia, gangs, Zionists organization(s) / protocols .. etc which can bypass levels of local crimes such as chief police in connection to mafia and gangs ; or top official exporting organized terrorist crime (OTC) in another country of different laws such as a third world country / Islamic country where assassinations, incrimination of important politicians - trying to liberate its people from the democratic imperialistic or exploitative or war deals in connection to democratic globalized monopoly. Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) can also happen when a person's is wanted by democrats but living in another country or jurisdictions that is different from the first democratic country where no extradition or crime is considered against that person(s) where they live, the trial to force a Country law(s) like USA upon another third world country with a different law(s) eg. Islamic Country is a form of OTC.
The whole world was and still seem to be entrapped to the influential ideas of democracy, its system(s), its parties and in relation to corruption; in summery the persistent problems that deteriorate the world of politics in both the developed and the underdeveloped countries / worlds reflecting the fact that democracy - as an unethical abusive monopoly - has brought to our world the following problems and troubles; which Surecracy may mention in brief:
1. Secularism of democracy that lacks collaterally an efficient and justified system of ethos and mostly stay in denial of the value of fundamental positive aspects of Monotheism in collateral human life including politics, economy; social life and justice a normal; balanced and needed moderate way(s) of human life.
2. Different forms of democratic corruption in governing people including (1):
2.1 Bribery
a payment given personally to a government official in exchange of his use of official powers
2.2 Trading in influence
refers to the situation where a person is selling his/her influence over the decision process involving a third party (person or institution). The difference with bribery is that this is a tri-lateral relation
2.3 Patronage
favoring supporters to the winning party, for example with government employment. This may be looking legitimate upon taking over government office, as when a newly elected democratic government changes the top officials in the administration in order to effectively implement its own policy. but this can be seen as a repeated form of corruption if this means that incompetent persons are put into power against people's best interests, it often happens within corrupted democrats as a payment - for supporting the new regime - are selected before the more able ones and/or experts.
2.4 Nepotism and cronyism
Favoring relatives (nepotism) or personal friends (cronyism) of an official is a form of illegitimate private gain. This may be combined with bribery in so many ways.
2.5 Electoral fraud
illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud affect vote counts to bring about an election result, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both. Also called voter fraud, the mechanisms involved include illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls, and improper vote counting.
2.6 Embezzlement
Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted funds. It is a misappropriation of property
2.7 Kickbacks
an official's share of misappropriated funds allocated from his or her organization to an organization involved in corrupt bidding. For example, suppose that a politician is in charge of choosing how to spend some public funds. He can give a contract to a company that is not the best bidder, or allocate more than they deserve.
2.8 An unholy alliance
is a coalition among seemingly antagonistic groups, especially if one is religious,[10] for ad hoc or hidden gain. Like patronage, unholy alliances are not necessarily illegal, but unlike patronage, by its deceptive nature and often great financial resources, an unholy alliance can be much more dangerous to the public interest(s).
2.9 Involvement in organized crime and/or Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) involvement of officials in various forms of organized crime with Mafia, gangs, Zionists organization(s) / protocols .. etc which can bypass levels of local crimes such as chief police in connection to mafia and gangs ; or top official exporting organized terrorist crime (OTC) in another country of different laws such as a third world country / Islamic country where assassinations, incrimination of important politicians - trying to liberate its people from the democratic imperialistic or exploitative or war deals in connection to democratic globalized monopoly. Organized Terrorist Crime (OTC) can also happen when a person's is wanted by democrats but living in another country or jurisdictions that is different from the first democratic country where no extradition or crime is considered against that person(s) where they live, the trial to force a Country law(s) like USA upon another third world country with a different law(s) eg. Islamic Country is a form of OTC.
2.10 Hypocrisy, Dualism and Double Standards:
Democrats are viewed as the worst hypocrites in political history; they also suffer other problems in their closed model(s) of thinking such as dualism and double standards; an observed phenomena that infest, persistently exists within the democratic political parties and its formulated governments.
2.11 The Common Use Of Conspiracy, Act(s) Of Violence and Wars To Support The Democratic existence and its expansion of a self-destructive democratic dectorine : Surecracy views Democrats as the most politically conspiring people; especially in USA; UK; USSR; Russia; china; france; democratic fascism in Germany ..etc., the most violent and the most aggressive imperialistic / colonialism regimes in history of mankind; the bloody nature of both Democratic Communists / Socialists and Democratic Capitalists is well known and well recorded in details in both political, military and historical records of many nations especially when it comes in relationship of putting their controls upon the material and the human resources as well as expanding their markets and forcing their theories in the countries where they might oppose democracy; what so ever its type(s) of Capitalism or Communism especially in the developing third world and in the Islamic World as well. Democrats stick well to their guns and to their military developed destructive war machines to fire in situations where they politically fail to influence or win their debates in other countries that are different and do not accept democracy with its own exported problems to other nations and/or people; this matter and/or phenomena can be easily diagnosed upon studying defects of democracy, its defects in political and in economic unjustified theories and its conspiring bloody history against non-democrats whom are peaceful and even moderate by their nature especially in their occupation/ neocolonialism in modern democratic history upon Islamic World and the third world.
In both the Surecratic Theory and its numermous applications; Surecracy is designed in its ideological strategy and its socio-political concepts to fully counteract the negative impacts of democracy through the following:
1. Establishing A balanced and moderate theory that re-enforces human conscienceness : both intellectually and psychomorally towards man's moderation and normality where the monotheistic positive norms; values and ethos play a reasonable part in the collateral life of each human being and/or individual(s); and where the Surecratic Theory intensifies its positive revolutionary approach to create the moralo-psycho-intellectual balance(s) that is/are integrated and dynamic as a function of time and place. Surecracy also empowers significantly the factor of knowledge - in transparency and simplicity - to both individual(s) and people. the process with our open model of thinking and of believing allows a lot of check points - intraindividually - among science, philosophy and the universal monotheistic religion(s) in lights of the leadership of Islam and the Holy Quran; which empowers the individual(s) to fight back the corruptions of democracy with a strong will, wise consciencesness and revolutionary Surecratic knowledge in every political and/or collateral dimension in human (social; political; economic..etc.) life..! This happens both intra- and enter- individuals within the grassroots of the Surecratic Moralo-psycho-intellectual revolution to stand stronger in fighting democratic corruption in an optimum way(s).
2. Empowering the process of Uniting; respecting all people and religion believers with The Universal beliefs in Ibrahamic / Abraham's true monotheism; in moderation and without prejudice and/or racism,while respecting the value of human life and protecting the minorities under the reasonable laws / Shari ha.
3. Globalization Of Surecracy Worldwide: as a Universal New Human Ideology and as a very unique developmental political system; being not only more competent compared to democracy but also as the best alternative to fulfill the real needs of people in every country. Such a globalization will certainly create a universal network structure where all Surecrats transparently cooperate, transfer their knowledge to support each other within each nation and among the Surecratic nations and organizations globally and in one strong confederation which equally respects each country that is a member. where political, economic, technological, educational, social justice a; religion interpretations and research spects will be opened for discussions among Surecrats at all levels of governing, organizations and people. Such a needed globalization will definitely counteracts the negative impacts of democratic globalization upon the whole world to create a needed present and future strategic balance(s) ..
4. The Introduction Of ' The Surecratic Polity Model(s) In Governing ' (TSPMs):
Opposite to Democracy and its own ideas of foundation of a single party (Communism) or multiple parties ( Capitalism) that dragged all the democratic nations into the hudge problems of corruption - as described above - with its various aspects and which leads to formulation of various forms of lobbies including corporates and the very rich to influence parties, the media and the elections; in many ways against the true best interests of people, as manipulating the party in power to the special greedy intersts of the lobbying individuals and/or groups; where abnormal relations and even criminal relations can be grown underground with the democratic governments! In turn; Surecracy with its Surecratic Polity Model(s) has / have introduced new process(es) and counteracting concepts in which:
4.1: The absolute power of governing drastically changes into a relative power of governing according to the structural design and mechanisms in our TSPMs models.
4.2: New revolutionary mechanism(s) were established between the political independents and the party / the grouped parties formulating the government and in relative check balance that is strategic and politically needed to prevent the domination of one party / coallision parties leading to corruption where the party in power formulating the government must get its approval by an independently elected president whom does not belong to any party but belong directly to his own people to protect his people's best interests.
4.3: In this Surecratic System (TSPMs) The Surecratic Mutual Counselors Congress / Majlis Al-Shura (i.e Senates) - which is independently elected and having various experts - is given such a unique independent power by Surecracy to veto the wrongful decision(s) of the parliament, the government and the president with his prime minister where after their final second decision upon reviewing such a particular first decision - if a second veto - happens again on the same subject; the matter must go back to Referundum by people as a final reference saying yes or no..! where an observer may notice here that corruption - in such an opened model of thinking and governing - becomes more difficult to survive with Surecracy and will be definitely minimized in comparison to the underdeveloped democratic system(s) of nowadays; and where powers practice(s) became at relative scale of sharing and devided properly with enourmous number of practical check points being mentioned from 1-4 .
4.4: By the Competition Mechanisms Of Surecrats with Democrats; and the subjective debates and critics against democracy and democrats, in transparency ; the democrats will be forced either to withdrow or correct themselves agianst their own mistakes and/or corruption..! Here our political system accountability will be unbeatable in presence of Surecracy.
5. Surecrats, Surecratic parties , organizations and governments in cooperation with each other will seek the maximum defense powers and their full cooperation to intervene and to stop invation wars of democrats against Justice being our first norm; a matter which will force peacefully democrats to withdraw and/or to minimize the forms; the use of violence and the use of excessive police; military powers and wars' operations which - in turn - will stabilize both peace , world's global economy and social justice ; being missing nowadays because of democracy and its corruption ..
Surecracy is an applied theory in national economics and socio-economic development. it also has its own unique financial, non-interests banking systems and its different economic sub-systems / system(s) which will counteract the problems of economic inflations caused by democracy where Surecracy will be active - both nationally and internationally - to present variety financial solutions to counteract all sorts of unfair high interests' rates in democratic finantial markets; especially in the developing world; being unjustly exposed to exploitations in raw materials and human resources by the abusive powers of democratic capitalists and democratic monopoly without having an alternative like Surecracy.
Surecracy is an applied theory in national economics and socio-economic development. it also has its own unique financial, non-interests banking systems and its different economic sub-systems / system(s) which will counteract the problems of economic inflations caused by democracy where Surecracy will be active - both nationally and internationally - to present variety financial solutions to counteract all sorts of unfair high interests' rates in democratic finantial markets; especially in the developing world; being unjustly exposed to exploitations in raw materials and human resources by the abusive powers of democratic capitalists and democratic monopoly without having an alternative like Surecracy.
Sherif Abdel-Kerim and Dr. Arna Arifin (MD),
The International Surecratic Movement;
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Copyright (C) 20 July 2011
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