Monday, February 14, 2011

A Warning For The Egyptian People: Our Governing System Must Rule by Polity Not by Democracy ?! Surecracy Versus Democracy ?!

This letter is Copied From Sherif Abdel-Kerim in his face book page:

A Warning For The Egyptian People: Our Governing System Must Rule by Polity Not by Democracy ?! Surecracy Versus Democracy ?!.
published on his face book on Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 11:01pm ..
Dr. Arna Arifin -ISM International

I am an Egyptian in birth and by origin and a Canadian as well - I am here warning both the young Egyptians, all Egyptians as people as well as The Egyptian Military Generals' Ruling council from running into democracy; without a very deep thinking insight(s) and to repeat ignorantly - without the needed in depth knowledge - falling into the ' Democracy Trap ' for this Egyptian Present as well as Egyptian Future will and must be democratic; That's a huge problem as democracy is strongly believed - with scientific; philosophic and theological evidences to have its dragging down gaps, its black holes and big troubles.. Before you ignorantly decide ; influenced by the bias and the hypocrisy of the Western Master's Monopoly in the political strategic game(s) ; just ask yourself: Did Democracy with its two major faces -being experienced in Egypt by Egyptians - as two forms of Democratic Communism-Socialism and Democratic Capitalism - did such a democracy stabilized our society justly or truly developed our Arabic and Islamic world(s) or not ?! Democracy as a theory is unrealistic, troubled and impractical, it brought to us nothing but the controversies !Democracy and its state or even its state market theory is collapsed in Soviet Union and its Western Free market theory has failed also in USA and Europe post September 11th, 2001; Democracy is gradually washing itself trying to clean itself up from its own mud , troubles as its start to be vanishing in our modern history; many times with its various forms; the Egyptians whom sacrificed recently their lives were seeking ' Justified Socio-political System(s) of governance suitable to our culture and our historical backgrounds in Monotheism ; they must be now respected by all of us and with our full responsibility - in facing the challenge(s) at this very critical period .. Democracy as the father of Western Philosophy 'Aristotle' had stated: 'Democracy is the third level of governing' which is ' taking itself into its own opposite ' as a monopoly ; but 'POLITY is the highest and is the best '; Don't be like fool Parrots repeating Democracy, Democracy without knowing what is wrong and what is the hell with such an imported democracy to invade our unique system of thoughts ?! or What is wrongfuly defected and/or injustified within it in both its theory and its questionable practice(s) / application .. at all the time; this is like living democracy in your dreams without seeing its deep controversy and/or delusions .. So what is our alternative as Egyptian Youth in innovations of our own values , not from the importation of someone else unsuitable / corrupt values, but from our own values and inspired from our own history where we were/are still capable of inventing our own most suitable system of governing without rushing like fools into such a secular and immoral democracy; like many other idiots with minimum factor of knowledge; ignorants of its own dangers, gaps and drawbacks; if we find out what is wrong with democracy .. then we have - at least - a good start but not the end to reach our conclusions about democracy .. Here in our Surecratic Path - after 23 years of our intensive smart and hard work in research, to lead me as a founder of a new philosophy and a competant contemporary human ideology in revolution and in order to lead our fellowers' Surecrats - via Surecratic Determinism - into the scientific and philosophic discovery of Surecracy and its related governing model(s) Politeia Surecratia ( The Surecratic Polity Model) which if applied in Egypt; it will certainly transfer this transition of the 25th January 2011 Revolution - which is being admired by Egyptian Military Generals / council - to transform it through Polity as a vehicle and/or the Surecratic Polity Model - into another strongly developed moralo-psycho-intellectual Revolution ! with its balanced and most efficient and powerful contemporary political and ideological system .. it is truly very meaningful at this time of Egyptian history; to make here Egypt here The First Country in the world and the first country / nation in human history in the leadership of political innovation to lead the rest of the world towards the most positive / peaceful revolutionary change(s) ever recorded by modern historians ; presenting to the whole world our highest , most sophisticated; justified and balanced system of Governing via " Polity " not governing by " Democracy".. Egypt; which had been mentioned in the Muslim's Holy Qur'an citation 5 times for a very important reason ; it is the holy Land of Monotheism and of peace and development in human civilization ; Egypt is the land and people of innovations and/or inventions and now even in governing by polity; being represented by the Discovery of Surecracy and its powerful foundation(s) in Monotheism and being moderately lead by the Qur'an supportive verses and Islam side by side with leading both Christians and Jewish whom respect all the God's message(s) and love to live together in peace ; we all will sooner or later find out that Surecratic Polity is the best System of governing to lead our Egyptian people and to lead - behind us - all the other democratic nations ; to follow us as capable Egyptians with our certainty, to learn in their Modern history from us as they had learned before from our ancient innovative history; do not take yourself - like Lambs and goats- following democracy to the mountain edge to fall and follow its evil leaders whom bring to us with democracy the corruption, the immorality, the social and economic injustices , the salivery and exploitations,the imperialism and the neo-imperialism ..etc with its manipulations ! Wake UP ..!!.

■It is now - more than ever - the right time to ask yourself and ourselves what is wrong with democracy first before we choose this questionable destructive path; think first then ask yourself -with trust in God - is there a better alternative than democracy more suitable for us as Egyptians , as moderate peaceful people ?! Is it Democracy or Polity ?!! and why(s) ?!! and what best inovation(s) in polity that the whole world ignores ?!! and WhySurecratic Polity is now claiming for The Moralo-psycho-intellectual Revolution in the 21st Century ? think and learn smart not like a parrot ?!! Think also why I left Alexandria that I love in my heart to go for knowledge; forwards in the heart lands of democracy to learn study it here - in its practice(s) - its defects, problems and its people and to discover and innovate better - the same like our Egyptian ancestors did - whom lead with their knowledge the whole world civilizations; this is factual and not a paranoia ! I am proud of and it always remind me to the belonging of my and of our roots which makes me in my research integrity and my innovations very different and give me as a founder of Surecracy, its Polity Model(s) ( Politiea Surekratia) and it givesThe International Surecratic Movement better and various insights ; why you don't work with me as a teacher to learn from me my best in both knowledge and experience - for free as I am not asking you to pay me for what I am doing, paying my life and all my resources for it - and to interact with these very precious discovery in Surecracy; why you are afraid? You were not afraid to revolt so why let yourself the fear to guide you - likethose democrats guided with the factor of ignorance and factor of fear - we as Egyptians are not the same like them , to be in our own integrity like those Democrats creating their own troubled monopoly .. We are seeing according to our deep history in human civilization the things differently, since the times of the pharoahs and the start of history of Monotheism we are never considered truly democrats - except by delusion - but actually and profoundly we are Surecrats whom are supposed to work and govern with polity not with democracy; It is my wise warning message to my people " YaQoumi !! " sent from the responsibility of my place and my spritual leadership of Surecracy; for my brothers and sisters living in Egypt, Middle East and the whole Islamic World and being addressed also to all humanity and other nations seeking the development and a new suitable competent ideology as well .. Open your mind and soul to learn the fact that with Surecracy and its unlimited applications -this precious part of the world Egypt and the land of Monotheism Egypt is and will be certainly capable to take its oncoming shining knowledge and days soon ;same the liberary of Alexandria ;in order to teach the whole world something else , unique, very developmental and extremely powerful with the birth ofSurecracy, and its leadership in Polity as an innovation of new developmental system(s) of governing .. please give yourself the chance ; just Type in google search : Surecracy Politics, Surecracy Ideology , Surecratic Polity , Surecracy:The Movement and The New Form Of Revolution just to know where we do really belong as Egyptian People and where we do stand - as Surecrats - as a supportive educational movement to all people; seeking the developmental knowledge worldwide ?!! ■My Soul (heart) and mind are opened for a long discussion with all the Egyptians as well as with Arabs and Muslims in light of our spirit of moderation and in order to empower the developing world i- being in struggle and in search for a unique suitable political identity and system of governing ..give yourself the time to follow our 14 blogs, twitter and face book in your google search , google network to read about Surecracy and The International Surecratic Movement lead by one of you - as an Egyptian .. ?!!


Sherif Abdel-Kerim (Pharmacist) and Dr. Arna Arifin(MD)
The International Surecratic Movement Headquarters -
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (c) 2011.

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