Friday, February 18, 2011

Surecracy And Politics: The Establishment Of 'The Egyptian Surecratic Party' Is A Must & A Necessity For The People's True Revolutionary Development

The International Surecratic Movement is Declaring Within This Present Critical Time ; its urgent call(s) for the Egyptian People to start their establishment of the first " Egyptian Surecratic Party " upon strong political, economic and socio-cultural grounds. This News Release - at this present time -is directed to secure the political reforms gain(s) in Egypt based upon strong suitable ideological grounds; our goal from such a political important step is to secure the gains and the demands of The Egyptian's as people whom revolted across this nation and has given the sacrifice of - at least 365 upto 501 killed - to claim the implementation of new governing body to secure their needed changes in the Fields of political justified reform(s), economic re-development, Social Justice supported by new Constitutional Reform(s), Religio-cultural moderation and suitability to the people's needs, new educational- Health care reforms ..etc respecting morality against democratic corruption..!
As we have discussed earlier in our previous publication regarding the practical peaceful implementation of Surecracy via the introduction of The Surecratic Polity Model(s) within governing process by people for the best interests of their own people where the legalo-constitutional norms of Surecracy: Justice, Liberty and Mutual Love in God and humanity; being culturally accepted within our ancient Holy Land Of Monotheism. Surecracy here can not be related - by any mean - to democracy, theocracy (Secrecy rule by Religion leaders), theodemocracy (Iranian Model as officially declared, claimed by christians in USA), conservatism, fundamentalism providing the fact that Surecracy - in its moderation - is considered as anti-'-isms' neutralizing because of its different, intelligent and its moderate political and ideological nature.
We have also highlighted to our people that Surecracy and its Surecratic Polity Model(s) do have its profound roots in long history of Monotheism; being lead by Those blessed Islamic Poineers including the prophet Mohamed Ra'soul Allah and his Sahabah ( Abu-Baker, Uthman, Omar, Ali ) in their innovation at their time in order to interpret and/or to apply the concept(s) of 'Al-Shura' according to the Holy Quran theological guidelines; at their developing time with their practical Igtihad whenever needed in addition .. And here within our modern innovation in this particular time of history; Surecracy inspired those foundations theologically, philosophically and by application of modern scientific research methodology to put the foundation of Surecracy - with its well known moderation - and the Surecratic Polity Governing Model(s) ; as the most suitable political system to be implemented in Egypt as the sole alternative to democracy with its hypocrisy and corruption. Our Polity model represents also another alternative to the proposals of Radical Fundamentalists of khlifat model and Islamic Rivivalists and ' Moslem Brothers / independent Reformists Opposition ( mixing democracy with Islam as two non-compatible controversies ) whom have not succeeded yet within their approaches and/or suggessions - more than 60-70 years of their trial(s) - to conceptually and/or a scientifically present their best so called Islamic-democratic functional model of governing!; its needed supportive cultural moderate / suitable creative system(s) in order to fulfill the real needs of all Egyptian People in Revolution nowadays. We have also highlighted the strategic fact that ' Polity ' is higher and more developmental political level than 'Democracy ' for the foundation of any governing system ..!
And as We previously highlighted that The Surecratic Polity Model(s) {TSPM} brings in political efficacy and the socio-economic development many justified advantages including at least the following:

1. It is a very advanced contemporary political system of governance based upon " Polity " a much higher and developed model of governing than Democracy.
2. It Ensures there is absolutely no way for a dictator or a dictating military regime or a dictating corrupt political party to function or to stay in power.
3. It allows a moderation and a full interactive balance within the socio-political, the economic, the religio-cultural, the educational.. etc. network structure(s) and/or arena(s) to suit the nation's ambitious need(s) for real developmental change(s) with a fair amount/ reasonable extent of social justice. It allows - on time - the proper correction of people to the government bodies and parliament.
4. it creates diversity of mechanisms of interactions where actions, interactions and reactions are significantly in balance in every dimension of governing and sharing powers.
5. It creates specific moderate process to stop the Parliament or the governing party or the dictating president/prime minister to be stopped - on time - with wrongful decisions which can take the system and the whole country into the mess of uncertainty and/or crises whether it is political, economic, security, social justice ..etc.
The Surecratic Polity Model(s) In Governing has/have also significant powerful political mechanisms where The Surecratic Mutual Counselors Congress ( Majlis Al-Shura) / ( independently elected/selected Senates ) has the legitimate power(s) to stop the president and/or the prime minister with their majority party in the Parliament from autocratically abusing their governance power(s) to use the nation's army, foreign troops and/or their state heavily armed security / police forces against their own people / protesters ..! It is a very unique and efficient - on time - mechanism(s) - adopted by Surecracy and its Polity - to fully function as an accountable useful socio-political tool to prevent the civilians slatter / murder(s) or genocide; whenever it is needed on time to enforce peace (peaceful resolutions) and to minimize the violant conflict(s) between the government and its own people ..
6. It allows people - in a relatively peaceful way - to have their influential power back on time when seriously needed against corrupted regimes selling the best interests of their people to foreign countries, Noe-imperialism ..etc.
7. It allows fair chances and enforcement of peace, the national and the international political strategic balance(s) on time ; and counteract the negative impacts of globalization especially upon small countries and nations; it secures people independence in decision making in every recognized area of governing, politics, economy, culture ..etc. in life. It significantly improves the people's factor of knowledge as minimizing their factor of ignorance in order to make their best educated votes and their proper socio-political decisions.
8. It minimizes the socio-political and ideological conflicts within the community, micro society and the global macro society through Politiea Surecratia Interactive, Uniquely Balanced dynamic and diverse mechanisms.
9. It brings about a significant magnitude of certainty, transparency - in elections , selections and in governing by people. It is considered very supportive to the needed individual(s) feeling of security and to the developmental knowledge within the human illusive belief(s) of people, their applicable balanced knowledge in politics, economy, culture ..etc. and in other era of human life activities using our Surecratic " Opened Model Of Thinking " where Politiea Surkratia / Surecratia can best function in its optimal performance(s) within the opened cycle(s) of knowledge.
10. It creates the best - ever known - most stable, moderate and balanced way(s) of efficient political governance. It takes people, their whole nation or society, their economy into the needed efficacy.. It is also influential in the most positive way upon the justice system's relevancy; taking thus the political system(s)into its desired interactive accountability with its people..
11. The Surecratic Mutual Council / Senates ( Members Of Majlis Al-Shura / Senates Congress ) can be independently selected as one member selected and/or elected in each district in the country, They are independents whom do not belong to any political party - as one important condition - so political parties can not control this process as an advantage in Our Model , In addition the nominees of the industry, agriculture, trades, financial institutions, military, culture, religion, education, health care, tourism ..etc. can be independently selected from each vital sector in the economy and service industries .. those independent Surecratic Mutual Counselors / Senates - whose Al-Shura Majlis / Surecratic Congress can vito the parliament - do not belong by every mean to any of the political parties control and/or influence to the best as it can be realized in order to ensure diversifying the Surecratic Polity Model(s) political structure(s) and/or its related governing model process(es).

I am willing - as An Egyptian Surecrat in the Leadership within The International Surecratic Movement - to prarticipate in putting the needed guideline Mandate for the First Egyptian Surecratic Party in our modern Egyptian History; and we are willing also to Support our brothers and sisters in Tunisia to establish their first Tunisian Surecratic Party as well to fairly and moderately enter the elections; in the most peaceful way with our policy and programs to benefit both the people of Egypt and Tunisia in what we see the best - ever existing developmental political reform - suitable with its moderation to our nations looking for great change(s) that fulfill the people's hopes and needs with the best honest morality in representing our people's interests as families and a macro-society of diversity of balanced justified interests .. Surecracy represents what the best in ' Shura ' can offer to our people in a very balanced , scientifically well developed system of governing where all micro- and macro-processes of various interests can uniquely, integrally function within one stable macro-process of governing putting corruption into an end.

We are encouraging the revolutionary Egyptians, all classes of people to join all-together to be knowledgeable and honestly, cleverly and smartly work to put such a needed First Surecratic Party into existance and into effect lo lead our Nation(s) and people as a model for all other countries especially the developing world which face simillar political and economic crises because of the negative and destructive impacts of democracy and neo-imperialism..etc.

Our leadership of The International Surecratic Movement in Canada and its Arabic/Egyptian Muslim founder may accept your invitation to help you and our people have a strong socio-political, economic, justice, educational and cultural foundations to establish the Surecratic Party which became a must and a necessity - in post revolution time - for peacefully extending it into its optimum developmental opportunities and implement these needed change(s).. We are waitting for the activists and the people's response to establish such a party as soon as possible..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim and Dr. Arna Arifin(MD)
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (C) 18th February, 2011

و نوصى القارىء بقراءة هذه التعليقات من أسفل الصفحة إلى أعلاها
من تعليقات المؤلف فى هذا الموضوع بالفيس بوك باللغة العربية لشعب مصر

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته - شريف عبد الكريم

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
هل من مجيب بصير يرد علينا بالحكمة والصواب فى أصعب مرحلة نمر بها فى تاريخ مصر الحدبث ؟

Post Sherif Abdel-Kerim
هل من مجيب بصير يرد علينا باحكمة والصواب فى أعب مرحلة فى تاريخ مصر الحدبث ؟.

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
مارأيكم ياشعب مصر فى تأسيس الحزب الشورقراطى المصرى الآن دون تأجيل ..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
فهل فى مصرنا أرض الثورة والشهداء من مجيب للأطروحتنا السياسية والإجتماعية والدينية الموحدة .. فمارأيكم ياشعب حتمية التغيير الثورى فى مصرنا الحبيبة
شريف عبد الكريم (مصرى) مؤسس الحركة الشورقراطية

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
وشعارنا هو العدالة والحرية والمحبة فى الله والإنسانية وفية ستلتقى قوى الوسطية والإعتدال موحدة جنبا إلى جنب ، لأن هذا الحزب الشورقراطى المصرى تتلاقى فيه قلوب وعقول المؤمنين بكل الأديان السماوية المنزلة وعلى رأسها تاج الإسلام السمح للعمل معا بإخلاص لتقدم ورفاهية كل المصريين على أرض مهد الإديان السماوية مصر الكنانة ..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
فلم لا يوءسس الشعب المصرى حزبا يملأ بالحياة والإبتكار وتقديم الإيديولوجية البديلة والحلول السياسية الجذرية والإقتصاديةو التعليمية غير التقليدية بتأسيس الحزب الشورقراطى المصرى لأول مرة فى تاريخنا الثورى المعاصر كممثلا شرعيا لاتقليدى عى ثورة 25 يناير 2011 - فالحركة الشورقراطية الدولية ومؤسسها المصرى تطالبكنم بذلك

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
لإن العدالة فى فلسفة الشورقراطية لابد وأن تسبق الحرية منطقيا وليس العكس وفى هذه الأجواء الملبدة بالتخبط والظلام بين صعاليك وذيول الحزب الوطنى ومنتهزى الفرص من الإخوان المسلمين ستجرى إنتخابات تأسيس الحكومة لتحقيق آمال وطموحات الشعب والثورة على السرعة فى أكبر قضية تهريج سياسى معاصر لتمثيل الثورة الوطنية المصرية التى قدمت ضحاياها وشهدائها للتغيير

Remove PostSherif Abdel-Kerim
ولم يجد الشعب المصرى على الجانب الأتوقراطى المستبد حلولا أو ثقة فى حزب الفساد والنفاق والبلطجة فى الحزب الوطنى الديموقرطي وبين هذا وذاك توجد أحزاب الأقلية والصعاليك وفى تكوين ألإخوان لحزب جديد أختاروا على مايبدو له أسم حزب الحرية والعدالة على موضة عصر الحاجات الشعبية الثورية لنيل سباق السلطة والإنتخابات .. ويعكس هذا الإسم تخبط فكرى للإخوان فلا معنى فلسفى لأن تسبق الحرية العدالة ولكن العكس صحيح ..

Sherif Abdel-Kerim
الشعب المصرى لم يجد فى تطور الإخون المسلمين البديل الكامل للثقة فى التطوير الإسلامى المعتدل على أسس ذكية علميا تقدم الإبتكار فى الحلول للخروج من الإزمة السياسية والإقتصادية والدينية وتلونهم بأشكال سياسية أنتهازية للإستفادة من ثورة 25 يناير 2011 ولم نر منهم حلولا تطبيقية خلاقة أو مبتكرة برغم أكثر من 80 سنة فى الساحة الدينية و السياسية ألإجتماعيةوالثقافية والاقتصادية

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