Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Surecracy The Movement: Question Marks That Need The Egyptians' Revolutionists And The Egyptian People To Deeply Search For Its Prompt Answers ?!

If the Egyptian People were dictated by Mubarak - as a Pharaoh - for 30 years applying his Democratic - Autocratic way(s) of Governing; while robbing - as a capitalist - the Egyptian Economy and wealth ( estimated 40-70 billion $) where tremendous pressures upon the Egyptians - in poverty - were cumulative enough very close to enforce the explosion of a popular revolution, for turning this regime over upon the head of such a dictator .. Under such political circumstances; Someone whom is specialized in the internet marketing and whom is working as a manager in google network; pulled up the trigger - on the proper time - to reach and to organize using internet technology of communications to group the Anti-Mubarak activists, with his laptop keyboard in order to initiate the first youth popular demonstration / protests' on action since the 25th of January 2011; following the internet path signals of the Revolution in Tunisia; urging the young Egyptians to do the same. His name is known as Wael Gohnim, He claimed - as an Egyptian loving his country, willing to sacrifice his family, and to face arrests or even to die for his country; He also questionably added - as documented in Google Y-Tube (1) - that the next 2011 elected Egyptian President will be done through Internet social media face book..etc. as he admitted - just after his 12 days release from secret police investigation's detention; he is a clever keyboard guy in google marketing and he said he is not a hero where the real heros are the people revolting in the streets, fighting the dictator ; then his tears dropped down upon the Egyptian deads; thus strengthening his needed emotional link..!
He showed a good organizing technology skills - familliar with googling - to influence Egyptians youth for protesting by pulling the trigger - at the right timing for a spark - and joining the protesters before and after his detain in prison by the police; he expressed his emotions and his love to his country ; joining the move of Mohamed Elbaradie(1-2) at the Egyptian protest and thereafter he was treated as an orginizer hero by most of the Egyptians following his facebook .. But is this enough to let him continue leading everybody ?! Is this enough to let Wael Gohnim announce that the next Egyptian President in 2011 will be elected via his google facebook?! the post -revolution time has started after Mubarak has been kicked out of his powers; this newly developing political situation has brought more question marks especially that few Egyptians have recently addressed on the Internet their views; certain questions' marks asking who is Wael Gohnim ?! what is simply behind his origin, activities and interests ?! Some of them claimed that Wael Gohnim was not born in Egypt but in United Emirates and he married an American wife; working within the google management as American Corporation, in addition Wael Gohnim appears always dressing - in his hand / arm - a questionable symbolic green phosphorus ring / bracelet which might have a Judeo-Masonic-Zionism significance; some related his picture with the red part of the Egyptian flag and fingers 30 degree angle victory sign (1) .. But these - though it might bring some questionable concerns and its exclamation marks from some individuals, probably in some minds of Islamic Fundamentalists and/or others; but it raises - in addition - further more than a question mark why the Western Democratic Media and the Jewish Billionaire George Soros (2) spoke about the release of Wael Gohnim at 4 PM to the Egyptian / Middle -East Media and News. Did Wael Gohnim is such an important person to George Soros ( whom is Connected to the Malysian / the Indonesian Financial Market Crises, support Barack Obama Election Campaign ), being a well known big financial player and a strong advocate for Democratic Capitalism as well as whom might possibly have a significant strong connections to Mason-Zionism international (1-2) and recently he became a political player in the Egyptian internal affairs by funding and/or supporting opposition and also a key player for releasing that google Keyboard manager whom initiated the timing of the Egyptians' Protests on 25th January 2011; claiming and promoting for Democracy ?! another related serious question rises onto the wave surface: Why particularly Wael Gohnim became the center of attention for both George Soros and The Western Democratic Capitalists support and/or intervention of B. Obama to facilitate his release ..?! and his confidence- as it presently appear in influencing the youth masses - to play further a strong significant role on facebook upon whom would be the next successful president for the oncoming - so called - democratic government in Egypt ?! where western democratic capitalism and democratic zionism are significantly working hard in race for influencing the minds of the Egyptians ?! Is Egypt presently absolutely free - post revolution - to make its free knowledgeable choice(s) in presence of poverty and literacy or Are there - within the socio-political scenes- many servants and poppets for democracy / democratic capitalism, democratic zionism peace treaty in such an underdeveloped market of Egypt ?!
A last question mark which relates to the interests of George Soros, Mohamed Elbaradie, opposition of Muslim Brotherhood interests in Democracy or Islamism Of Democracy ( funny questionable idea )?! the Same as those political Interests in Wael Gohnim in Democracy jumping over the wave of people as well? Providing the fact that Democracy in itself is a secular system of thoughts which creates always its socio-political, socio-economic, relegio-cultural problems and its moral incompetability with the real needs of the Egyptians , Middle -East and The Islamic World? Are the Young Egyptian Revolutionists presently misguided in presence of such a developing socio-political circumstances that evolved with the blowing up of the internet age and globalization of Democratic monopoly ?! Many of these questions are logically and legally addressed to both the Egyptian Activist Revolutionists and/or Egyptian people in order to find out their in-depth, badly needed answers and/or where they exactly stand as followers ?! They must find out the right answers for themselves; where we are here still offering a strategic alternative: our illusive Surecracy Versus their delusive secular Democracy ?! Do the Egyptians need another 30-60 years - with more people killed / sacrificed - to discover the fact that such a repeatedly promotional and delusive democracy will not work realistically for them either ?! who knows while presently they have been given their golden chance to re-extend their present revolution into the first realistic and most applicable Moralo-psycho-intellectual revolution of our new century .. ! Egyptians are asked - by our responsible Surecratic Leadership - where is exactly their own political suitable identity especially in post-Mubarak time within this recently fast developing time period and/or revolutionary history ?!..
Sherif Abdel-Kerim
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (C) 2011

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtFJG_AsOMY&feature=related


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