Wednesday, March 2, 2011

الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية: شعارنا العدالة و الحرية و المحبة فى الله و الإنسانية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بيان الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية
حركة الإصلاح الفكرى والتجديد الإيديولوجى فى القرن الحادى والعشرين
شعارنا العدالة والحرية والمحبة فى الله والإنسانية
رسالة هامة إلى الشعب المصرى و الشعوب العربية والإسلامية

لقد بذل مكتبنا للبحث العلمى والدينى و الفلسفى جهودا مكثفة و مضنية - مستنفذا معظم أموالنا الخاصة والمتاحة من اجل التقدم المعرفى و الحضارى لخدمتكم فى المجالات التعليمية والسياسية والإقتصادية و الإيديولوجية الفكرية .. ولمايزيد عن ثلاثة وعشرين عاما فى البحوث التى أجريناها بأيادى وعقول واعية بالمتطلبات الحضارية والعاجلة لشعوبنا المؤمنة - متحملين كعلماء واجبا كفائيا عن أمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
نحن نتابع مسيرتكم و نضالكم الثورى الحضارى ضد استبداد واستعباد الحكام والحكومات اللذين وجهتهم مصالحهم الشخصية والعائلية لبيع ضمائرهم و شعوبهم لخدمة الأجنبى من الشرق والغرب ، مضللين شعوبنا بالديموقراطية للحزب الواحد:الإشتركية الشيوعية أو ديموقراطية التعددية الحزبية التى تتناحر فيمابينها للوصول إلى حكم البلاد ممتثلين للديمقراطية الغربية بمشاكلها وتخبطاتها وعدم صلاحيتها لتلبية الحاجات الحقيقية والواقعية والملحة لشعوبنا والتى لاتتناسب أيضا مع ثقافتنا العربية والإسلامية، وبين هذا وذاك وقف السلفيون والإصوليون متجمدون وعاجزون عن تقديم البدائل المطلوبة والمرجوة التى تتناسب مع العصر الحديث ومع الوسطية الإسلامية التى توفى المصالح والحاجات الملحة المتوقعة والضرورية لشعوبنا فى المجالات الفكرية والأيديولوجية والسياسية و الدينية الثقافية و الخاصة بالعدالة الإجتماعية والتطور الإقتصادى الذى يحمى موارد شعوبنا وثرواته المنهوبة لخدمة المستعمر الأجنبى والإستيلاء بغير حق على رؤس أموالنا، تاركين شعوبنا للفقر والجهل والتخلف الحضارى لسنين و لقرون طويلة ، أستذلت خلالها كرامة وحقوق الإنسان العربى والمسلم بلا رحمة أو توقف أو خشية من الله عز وجل.. ولهذا تحولت المظاهرات السلمية بكم و المواجهة للقتلة بالرصاص الغادر لخادمى هذه الإنظمة الإستبدادية لتحول تظاهرات شعوبنا إلى الثورة الحقيقية التى زلزلت أنظمة الحكومات فى مصر وتونٍس والبحرين واليمن وليبيا والجزائر والإردن والعراق تحت الإحتلال وغير ذلك فى دول العالم الإسلامى و الثالث.. حيث وقف الناس رجالهم ونسائهم واطفالهم بقوة وبصدور تتصدى لإرهاب الحكومات والرصاص ليسقط شهداء لنا، تابعناكم بقلوبنا المؤمنة وأقسمنا أمام الله عز وجل على إننا لن نخذلكم أبدا بتقديم كل مانمتلكه من بحوُث علمية و معرفية حضارية فى غاية التقدم لخدمتكم بلا أجر رغم حاجاتنا للمال للمزيد من الابحاث المطلوبة فى الحاضر والمستقبل .. نحن نعلم أن ألثورات من الممكن أن تسقط فشلا لإنها لاتمتلك البدائل السياسية والاقتصادية والدينية المعرفية والإجتماعية .. الخ الراسخة والأكثر تقدما فى المعرفة لدعم الثورة بعلمائها وفى ذلك نتقدم إليكم أهلنا وشعوبنا بمشروعين حضاريين لخدمة بلادنا من المهجر وهما خلاصة التقدم فى البحث العلمى والدينى والفلسفى الموثق بإعتراف جهات تحترم فى هذه المجالات المعرفية و مشروعنا الأول والثانى كما يلى:
الأول: الشورقراطية بمشروعها السياسى والاقتصادى ( نظام تنموى إقتصادى مبتكر) والإجتماعى والدينى الثقافى الإصلاحى وكأيديولوجية متميزة فى التجديد وتتناسب مع حاجات شعوبنا فى القرن الحادى والعشرين الميلادى
الثانى: مشروع تطوير وإصلاح التعليم والصحة من خلال المدارس والمراكز التعليمية والجامعات المساهمة وكذلك المستشفيات والمراكز التعليمية الصحية المساهمة أوالتعاونية ..وفى هذا المشروع تميز إستراتيجى وأقتصادى وخدمى مقارنة بالنظامين المجانى والخاص؛
إن المطالبين بالديمقراطية كالببغاوات الغبية التى تجهل تماما مخاطر وعيوب وإنتكاسات هذا النظام المتخلف وغير المتميز، و انما يضللون الناس بأهوائهم و لمصالحهم الخاصة ، بل و يعرضون الشعب لعبودية شيىء لا يرتبط أبدا ولايتناسب مع حاجاتنا و طبائع شعوبنا وثقافاتنا و تاريخنا كأمم عقيدة التوحيد والإسلام والسلام ؛ هذا من ناحية؛ ومن ناحية آخرى فإن الأصوليين، و السلفيين والوهابيين ..الخ وغيرهم لم يقدموا بعد مشروعهم المعرفى العلمى -الدينى المناسب أو الحضارى المنافس لما نقدم إليكم من علم تطبيقى واقعى وواعى بكل متطلبات التنمية لشعوبنا فى التقدم الراسخ على أسس متينة و قوية للنهوض السريع بالبلاد والعباد
نحن مؤسسى الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية - من أصل مصرى* و أندونيسى مسلم - درسنا فى بلادنا وفى معاهد العلم بالشرق والغرب ولدينا الأمانة العلمية والموضوعية والقدرات المتميزة فى الإدارة و النقد والإبتكار العلمى الحديث والعمق الفقهى الدينى والفلسفى لتأسيس هذين المشروعين لخدمة شعوبنا وبلادنا.. ونحن على ثقة كبيرة فى الله ورسوله وإيمان عميق بحاجة شعوبنا لما نقدم اليهم من أجل إحداث طفرة أو ثورة فى المعرفة والتنمية الحضارية المتقدمة .. نحن على كامل الإستعداد للتعاون الكامل معكم بقلوبنا وعقولنا المخلصة إذا قبلتم دعوتنا والتنسيق لذلك مع مكتبنا الرئيسى للحركة الشورقراطية الدولية فى كالجارى ؛ ألبرتا - :كندا
وفقنا الله وأياكم فى خدمة الشعب والثورة والأمة الإسلامية
للإتصال بريد الكترونى
Research Directors: Sherif Abdel-Kerim B.Sc.& M.Sc.Pharm.
And Dr.Arna Arifin (MD) M.Sc. Public Policy & Management
The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta , Canada - Copyright (C) 2011.

*Biography: * عشت طفولتى وشبابى فى الإسكندرية بالمنزل رقم 21 شارع إبن ماجد - سيدى جابر - قسم الرمل الذى أنجب فى هذا الصدد أثنين خالد محمد سعيد (1) - روح ثورة الغضب فى 25 يناير 2011 - و شريف عبد الكريم (2) مؤسس الحركة الشورقراطية الدولية بمصرمنذ 1989 و بكندا منذ عام 1999
References: (1)
(2) صفحة 11 جريدة الوفد المصرية - العدد الصادر فى 9/10/1990

Message Translation:
In The Name Of Allah / God The Merciful
The International Surecratic Movement:
Our norms: justice, Liberty and Mutual Love In God And Humanity,
3 Mar 2011, 7:03 am
The Reform Movement Of Both The Intellectual And The Ideological Birth Of Surcracy In The Twenty-First Century

An important message addressed to the Egyptian people as well as to both the Arabic and The Islamic World:

Our office have done an intensive scientific research work, side by side with religion and philosophic in depth investigations while directing most of our private financial resources available for the development of human knowledge, ideology and our Islamic/ Monotheistic developmental civilization in order to serve all of you; in the fields of education, politics, economy, innovation in contemporary political ideology and in intellectual/psychomoral..etc. development; it takes more than twenty-three years of our research while using our best intellectual capacities, psycho-moral conscienceness to ensure our religio-cultural understanding to the urgent necessary needs and the expected demands of our people for better development; it happens as we have taken and accepted the full responsibly ' Wajib- Kefayah " as one of the scientists-ulamah leading group(s) in our Islamic Nation (Umah) following Ras'oul Allah peace and blessings of God upon him.

We are still following your civilized journey and your revolutionary struggle against tyranny and enslavement of those autocratic rulers and their governments, which are dominated by their illegitimate desires and their personal-family interests to sell both their consciences and their own people to serve the foreigners from the east and the west, while misleading our people by Secular Democracy of: a single party 'Communism-Socialism' and/or through imposing Multiple political parties battling each other to opportunistically jump onto the chair of governing power of our country, simulating in - bad unacceptable ways - the Western Democracy and Democratic Capitalism, which does not fit with our Arabic and/or Islamic countries' real needs or culture; and in between this and that step of the Salafists and the Radical Fundamentalists whom are transfixed and/or unable to provide the suitable needed alternative(s) that are desired to suit this modern fast developing age and our Islamic needed moderation, which may fulfill the interest(s) and the realistic needs of our peoples in the era of intellectual, ideological, , political, religious, cultural, social justice and economic justified development.. for protecting both our natural and our human resources belonging to our peoples and where our wealth and financial resources are being looted to serve the foreign neo-colonialism, imperialism and to seize unlawfully - through using those corrupt leaders - our money, leaving our people in poverty, in ignorance and in backwardness to civilization for long decades and even centuries. In addition to the humiliation of our human dignity and the people's basic human rights of the Arabs and the Muslims mercilessly and without any ethics or even fear of God !.. So it turned into peaceful protests in front of those police and military killers shooting our people - being obedient servants of their masters of the dictator authoritarian regimes- thus forcing the transformation of these protests into the real revolution that have shocked, have shaken and turning over very badly the political systems of these corrupt governments in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Jordan and Iraq under occupation, and so on in the Third World countries .. Where people have stood as men with their wives and their children, all men and women here strongly raised their voices and while facing the organized terrorism of these governments, shooting and leading to sacrifice - by murder - thousands of victims from our brave people; die as Shahid in such bloody scenes of violence; where here; our tender hearts of true believers in God followed you, and thereafter We decided and committed our oath and we sworn in front of God/Allah - before anybody else - that we will never let you - our people - falling down again, we will support you with whatever we can; granting you - with all our minds and our souls - filled with sympathy mercy and respect - to grant you all our available studies and our scientific research work as well as all of our knowledge for building up your needed developed revolutionary civilization; without paying us any cost(s); providing the fact that we have accepted such a financial sacrifice against our need for money to complete further more of other future research work and ignoring our present family need(s) to survive with any wealth within the present and the future .. It doesn't matter now for us because We do deeply know that your revolution; our revolution could be facing the failure and the break down if people are not supported with their strong knowledgeable scientific, philosophic justified and ideological illusive alternative; if the revolution is not possessing the very needed political, economic, religious, social, cognitive-cultural .. Etc. realistic solutions; being well established and ready for implementation .. We also believe that our revolution must be supported by its most advanced knowledge of our age in order to support its continuous progress through its sincere scientists-Ulamah.. At this present point; OUR Efforts to transfer this revolution into the Moralo-psycho-intellectual leading Revolution within this 21st Century; we here are offering you; our people; Two Developmental Civilized Projects; which are directed to serve you, our countries and our 'Umah' from where we are staying in Canada - as immigrants abroad - but willing to come back and to sincerely help .. These projects are considered the resultant outcomes and the most fruitful summary of our progress - in long years scientific research work(s), with its religious respectable and moderate philosophic valuable views; which are documented and respected by the professionals in these era of knowledge and where our first and our second project are titled as following:

I: ' Surecracy ' and ' The Surecratic Polity Model(s) In Governing ' where it bring political, economic, justice, social Justice, religio-cultural reform(s), valuable insights and new suitable cultural ideology which is very unique, independent with integrity and distinct in order to serve these realistic needs of our people facing this twenty-first century AD.
II: ' Collaboratus- Cooperativus Education ' or " Collaborative-Cooperative Education and Health Care System { Coll-Coop Project } " reforming of both Education and Health Care Systems - at the same time ' in domestic services ; through Coll-Coop schools and Collaborative - Cooperative Educational Centers and Universities; to contribute into your educational revolutionary progress upon an innovative paradigm improving both qualitative and quantitative educational measures, as well as the ' Coll-Coop hospitals and Collaborative Cooperative Educational Health Care Centers '; to further contribute development to the present health care system(s) to increase its developmental measures at exponential developmental value(s) in the future .. In this project, strategic; economic and excellence in service can be recorded and can be very competent and supportive to the public service while it competes with the private educational-health care services; creating by its presence a strategic balance within a new triangle of forces which includes public, Coll-Coop and private systems and/or institutions. It significantly support both the revolutionary government(s) lacking funds because of financial/economic deficits and its people whom are desperately in need of these developed economic services ..!

We are responsibly warning from the pro-democracy activists whom are presently acting like parrots without brain, whom are now serving ' Western Ideologies and Interests ' and whom are completely unaware of these grave risks and well known and unknown disadvantages of Democracy, unaware of the elements creating the distrust in democracy and the setbacks of this system with its uncivilized drawbacks, gaps and black holes; while they are working for subjecting our people to more slavery and more risky exploitations of Neo-Colonialism, new forms of imperialism ..etc. where these immoral reality of democracy leading to our revolution; can not be imported from the Westerns Or The Chinese to us , our people and The democracies are factually disproportionate to the natures of our peoples, very strange to our culture, believes and intruding our history and identity as the nation(s) of Monotheism and of Islam; in one hand; On the other hand, we are reminding you that the fundamentalists including the Salafists, the radicalists and the others could not provide us - for long- of any moderate , competent and progressive suitable resolution where the application of advanced science and the realistic multi-approach(es) in problem solving, in vision and religio-cultural acceptable developed answers to the requirement(s) of our needed present progress, being based upon very flexible, developmental strong foundation.

We are the founders of the International Surecratic Movement - being Muslims of an Egyptian* and an Indonesian Origins - where we have studied smartly and hardly as pioneers in our classes; in our countries and in the institutes of science in the Middle East, the Far East and in the West as well, we also have our own respected scientific, philosophic and religious integrity while carrying the subjectivity and the objectivity in our developmental views and the capacity of rightness in criticism and in innovation(s), carrying modern and moderate practical ideas and an in-depth religious and philosophic inspirations in founding of these two projects; directed to serve our people and our country .. We have great confidence in Allah and His Messenger(s) crowned by Islam, and our deep faith towards helping our people in order to bring about a boom or a revolution in their knowledge and in their development of our new civilization .. We are bound to our oath to fully cooperate with all of you - with our minds and souls - in sincerety; if you accept our invitation and the coordination with our head office of The International Surecratic Movement in Calgary; Alberta: - Canada, May Allah guide you in serving his people and the revolution and our Big Islamic Nation .. Amen..

E-mail to contact
sherif.abdelkerim @
Reseach Directors: Sherif Abdel-Kerim B.Sc. & M.Sc.Pharm.
and Dr. Arna Arifin (MD) M.Sc. Public Policy & Management.
The International Surecratic Movement
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright (C) 2011.
*As an Egyptian I lived my early childhood and as a young man in my home in Alexandria; located at 21 Iben Majid Street, Sidi Gaber - Al-Ramel District - which gave two serious persons in history of revolution; the first was khaled Mohamed Saeed (1) whom was beaten to death by Egyptian Police, representing the initializing spirit and the spark of Anger Revolution in 25th January,2011 and myself leading the universally extended Moralo-psycho-intellectual Revolution through the foundation of Surecracy and the Establishment Of The International Surecratic Movement in Canada since 1999 and in Egypt (2) since 1989.
References: (1)
(2) صفحة 11 جريدة الوفد المصرية - العدد الصادر فى 9/10/1990

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